Sunday, September 23, 2007


It is in this moment that you realise
that life stumbled out into the crowd
to be torn to pieces
and sowed and reaped
by those who did it proud.

And all you have become and ever will
in a backward glance when time stood still
and slowly dawned the resignation
that all that you've left are rattling diffusions
and a slowly numbing thrill

For all the times it hurt, I'll hold you
and break away you might well try
the silk it binds your soul, dear girl
for we are one, same skin, same mind

bound by sweet duress

and the pain begins to rise


The Shadow Cabinet said...

"all that you've left are rattling diffusions"

This is a great line.

What a pair of cheery fuckers we are.

boudica of suburbia said...

I know, tragic innit?